Apple to trade rights to Microsoft’s start menu for new Office suite ? And Why ?

Microsoft seems to be pushing along its office suite down the throats of android users now? For free?
No thank you , we were doing well without them and we will continue to do so in the future.
Their audacity and aggression to enter their flagship product into a volatile market where firms like open office has established themselves only shows their temperamental frustration.
However, they seem to be want to keep persisting;
Here is a an exclusive rumor on the next release of OS X … with …. you guessed it …. a windows style start menu.
Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 5.51.26 PM
Why would they do this…?
Sources have it that an inside deal was struck with the who’s who’s of both companies so that a new office suite would be allowed into the MAC ecosystem.
A little cliche and ironic perhaps?
Remember the time when the icons appeared in windows 8 resembled that of OS X?
Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 5.53.41 PM
The only rumor and justification to supplement it was that a threat was issued to pull out any further versions of Office if they did not comply.
For now… all we can do is hope to god’s mercy that it isn’t true.